Where do the Bears Go?
Lesotho and Rwanda
- Botchabela - Matataise Pre-School
- Roma - Leratong Centre (Place of Love) - supports 47 orphaned and vulnerable kids
- Thaba Bosiu - Manyeloia (Little Angels) - an orphanage and shelter for 36 preschool children
- Ha Ramabanta - Ramabanta clinic - in a remote mountain area - serves children who are HIV positive
Maseru - The Beautiful Gate orphanage
Mazenrod - Lelapa La Malone "Home
of my family"
- Child-headed households in Mohales Hoek
- Semonkong - Methodist Orphanage
- Maseru - Lesotho Save the Children Home for Handicapped & Vulnerable Children
- Borokhoaneng - Baylor Paediatric Aids Clinic
- Mants'ase Childrens Home
- Mafeteng Safe House – Mafeteng
- Village of Masemouse – Mafeteng District
- Village of Seeiso – Mafeteng District
- Ha Seeiso Youth Group – Mafeteng District
- Village of Thabaneng – Mohales Hoek District
- Village of Ha Mahakhahe – Mafeteng District
- Village of Ha Sekheke – Mafeteng District
- Village of Ha Lasoma – Mafeteng District
- Village of Ha Ramoreki – Mafeteng District
- Village of Ha Matsa – Mafeteng District
Distributed by Partners In Health to clinics in:
- Nohana
- Bobete
- Nkau
- Lebakeng
- Tlhanyaku
- Methalaneng